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Chez SPT Labtech, nous concevons, fabriquons des solutions de laboratoire automatisées qui transforment la façon dont les scientifiques travaillent  en génomique et la découverte de médicaments. Depuis plus de deux décennies, notre équipe de scientifiques - experts, ingénieurs et développeurs -  créé des solutions technologiques uniques pour l'automatisation de manipulation des liquides et de préparation et gestion des échantillons en tubes.
Cette approche originale et complémentaire aux solutions existantes permet d’optimiser la qualité et la quantité des essais R&D automatisés par nos utilisateurs à travers le monde.

Une  nouvelle technologie de déplacement positif équipe nos stations de manipulation de liquides, pour permettre un pipetage efficace de haute précision sur une gamme volumétrique allant du nL au µL. En choisissant d'automatiser les tâches complexes et répétitives, nos utilisateurs accroissent leur productivité sans compromis sur la qualité des résultats finaux.

Nos solutions de gestion d'échantillons en tubes, sont reconnues comme des modèles de polyvalence et convivialités permettant de couvrir des besoins à la fois standards ou très spécifiques relatifs à des tâches individuelles ou des flux de travail complets à automatiser. Du stockage intelligent des échantillons à la manipulation, la numérisation et l'étiquetage des tubes, nous avons créé des solutions sur mesure au service de la performance de votre laboratoire.

Nos solutions de préparation d'échantillons pour la cristallographie /Cryo EM garantissent que les scientifiques peuvent capitaliser sur la technologie novatrice qui a révolutionné  la biologie structurale. Ils optimisent la qualité des données et permettent aux chercheurs de s'attaquer à des problèmes biologiques encore plus complexes.



Innovative all-in-one liquid handling brings together multiple technologies within a single compact design for more efficient library and sample preparation workflows and maximum output. Underpinned by powerful, intuitive software, firefly unlocks the potential of automation for all to accelerate genomic research.
firefly®+ expands on the current liquid handling capabilities of firefly with an integrated thermocycler and additional labware capability, all while maintaining our commitment to usability and compact design. firefly+ grants genomics researchers the ability to run completely automated NGS library preparation, giving even more time for critical thinking tasks like data analysis and experiment design.



Our innovative mosquito positive displacement pipetting solutions combine the power of miniaturization and automation to reduce costs, improve productivity, and maximize research output. mosquito’s unique nanolitre liquid handling technology enables you to perform ‘traditional’ liquid handling tasks at a fraction of the volume, and at higher speeds. The instrument uses positive displacement, disposable micropipettes to handle low volumes of liquid in plate to plate, or intra plate transfers using contact dispensing. Each of mosquito’s disposable micropipettes has its own individual piston, not an air gap or system liquid, for true positive displacement pipetting.




Multi-channel non-contact dispensing from positive displacement syringes. The dragonfly product range delivers accurate and repeatable nanoliter to milliliter dispensing, every time, irrespective of liquid viscosity or environmental conditions. dragonfly enables innovative, low volume liquid dispensing that is compatible with a wide range of applications including molecular biology and genomics, biochemical assays, as well as cell- and bead-based assays.


apricot® S3

The apricot S3 offers automated high performance 96 and 384 channel pipetting, equally suited to low or high-throughput use. The instrument’s interchangeable pipetting cores allow researchers to simply select the volume range depending on the application, without a need for any tools. The intuitive interface through a Microsoft® Surface Pro Tablet, and EZ-Load tip technology combined with fully automated X, Y and Z drives, create exceptionally straightforward and user-friendly automated pipetting.

apricot S3


comPOUND provides secure storage for 2D barcoded tubes at -20°C, +4°C, and ambient temperature.  Its innovative carousel system delivers high density storage within a small footprint, compact unit and allows for rapid retrieval through the convenient vending machine style design. The modular approach allows facilities to scale flexibly, connecting individual units across locations using innovative and reliable pneumatic transport technology.



arktic provides a flexible, affordable and secure -20°C or -80°C automated sample store to meet research demand for increasing volumes of biological samples. Its user-friendly, vending machine style design allows for efficient management and access to 2D barcoded samples, eliminating the need for inefficient manual searching. Using a unique arrangement for tube storage, arktic is more space efficient than other systems, allowing facilities to minimize overheads while assuring sample integrity throughout its life.



chameleon streamlines cryo-EM sample preparation workflows with high speed blot-free vitrification, automated grid handling, and the ability to screen grids based on likely ice thickness. Guided workflows simplify set up, use, and cleaning of the instrument while the minimization of manual handling eliminates sample loss and damage.
The powerful combination of robotics, automation, and intelligent software allows experts and novice users alike quicker access to consistent results. Users can confidently work with the instrument using guided software protocols intended to handle the experimental framework and limit manual intervention.



BioMicroLab XL Series

The BioMicroLab XL Series of reliable and affordable benchtop robotic pick and place systems automate your critical sample management tasks such as organizing, reformatting and analyzing samples. We offer four models varying by rack capacity and configurable modules, and each instrument can be used for a single operation in your workflow or to accomplish multiple tasks such as scanning, weighing and labeling. All models are fully electric (no compressed air needed) and include Windows based user-friendly, integration-ready software and are fully compatible with LIMS systems.

BioMicroLab XL Series

BioMicroLab VC384

With the fastest scan speed, highest accuracy, and compatibility with the widest range of labware, the BioMicroLab VolumeCheck 384 is the preferred VolumeCheck model for most laboratories. It is fully compatible with your own 384 well plates and uncapped tubes in 96, 48, and 24-format racks (no adapters or consumables are needed), and returns the volumes of a 384 well plate in as little as 30 seconds in fast scan mode.

BioMicroLab VC384

BioMicroLab Scan

The BioMicroLab Scan combines the latest camera and software technology with a modern, compact design. Designed for high-speed barcode reading for both SBS and standard cyrobox format 2D barcoded tubes, this powerful new reader decodes most rack types in under 1 second!

BioMicroLab Scan

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SPT LABTECH LTD a choisi ses mots clés en lien avec son activité :

* automate de distribution tubes à essai et flacons - automatic test tube and vial dispenser
* échantillon - sample
* banque de composés - compound library
* banque de composés bioactifs - bioactive compound library
* banque de composés de diversité - diversity compound library
* bibliothèque de criblage de composés - compound screening library
* bibliothèque petites molécules - small molecular library
* congélateur -15°C - deep freezer -15°C
* cristal de protéine - protein crystal
* manipulation des liquides - liquid handling
* préparation ARN - RNA preparation
* préparation échantillon - sample preparation
* séquençage de l ADN/ARN - DNA / RNA sequencing
* stockage d’échantillons - samples storage
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